SCAC to start 2017 with folk art show
Story by Lindsay Dyess
Photograph by Kevin McKee

Residents browse artwork at the Shelby County Arts Council gallery in Columbiana.
2017 welcomes a New Year at the Shelby County Arts Council and with it brings new opportunities to discover some great artists and musicians. The SCAC is dedicated to enriching culture in Shelby County and providing opportunities to local artists and musicians.
Kicking off the New Year in the gallery is the annual Fine Folk Art show. This show features some of the best Folk Art around.
Each year, artist Teresa Wamble curates the Fine Folk Art show in hopes of bringing some of the most talented artists in the South to light. Their non-traditional style of work makes for an interesting and eclectic body of work.
Artists are hand-picked by Wamble for their unique style and perspective. Fiber artist Diana Hiott brings her handcrafted fabric dolls. These dolls feature a variety of styles and bodies, such as bears or rabbits, but have an added element of human characteristics.
Retired lawyer-turned-painter Larry Stewart brings his paintings which feature a theme of a funky rooster who wears sunglasses.
Artist Mary Ann Casey returns for this show with more of her eclectic “art from the heart” pieces.
Marian Bakes draws on memories from her childhood to create vibrant mixed-media pieces. Artist Jim Jones brings his sculptural gourd work featuring a variety of animals and natural elements.
Wamble will also show her gourd artwork, which features intricate patterns, imagery and colors. Join us in the SCAC gallery on Jan. 13 at 6 p.m. to see this exciting work and meet some of the artists.
This opening gallery reception is free and open to the public.
The Black Box Theater also welcomes a host of new music for the New Year. On Jan. 21 Will Kimbrough returns with his Nashville tunes. This award winning musician joins us for a night of singer/songwriter style music in the vein of Leonard Cohen.
Regional favorites “2BLU” will open Kimbrough’s show in a new four-piece acoustic format featuring the hand crafted instruments of Jack Dudley.
Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20.
Also mark your calendars for Jan. 28. Accomplished jazz musician Ray Reach returns to the stage with singer Lindsey Benedict. These two pack quite a performance! This show features old standards and new favorites and will not disappoint you. Reach and Benedict will perform on Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. and tickets are $20. All tickets include a pre-show beverage reception.
The Shelby County Arts Council looks forward to another year of sharing great art and music with the people of Shelby County. Consider becoming an SCAC member in 2017 and help us continue to share our passion. For more information on these events, membership or for class information, visit